
We provide Financial and Strategic Advisory in raising financial resources for companies, in two possible scenarios:

Venture Capital Funding – Private Equity

We offer our experience in the search for the "ideal partner", with financial objectives and strategic vision that respects the client corporate culture and funding from Venture Capital, upon the investor´s participation in the business, especial remarks for: Global Private Investment Funds ("Private Equity") that have already invested in Brazil or that hold interest on "entering" the Brazilian market.

Initially, we provide advice to the Client in the Company´s Valuation, also in the Business Plan, essential to reveal the Company current conditions, as well as to estimate the potential of the Business and determining possible results in the operation and cash generation. Always focusing on the vision of this type of investor and their needs in the decision-making process to invest in the Client's business.

During the negotiations period, in special, we provide a tailored support for the Client’s business presentation, the capital injection argumentation, besides other necessary, relevant and accurate points to determine the success of the transaction.

We offer Financial and Strategic Advisory to the Client, along all the conversations and negotiations, until the "business closing date", in the guidance and drafting of Contracts, Shareholder Agreement and other relevant support, facing the new reality of the company.

Our assessment looks for strengthening the Client position during the whole Negotiation Process, always aiming for a safe and favorable negotiation.